Category: Random

  • How to make a left-wing progessive media statement

    In the interest of giving fair time to all opinions, I’ve decided to step aside and table my regularly scheduled rabid wall-punching right wing diatribe. Instead, today’s post has been guest written by a member of the Green Party in Cambridge, on the topic of how to give a proper media statement. How to make a […]

  • My wife is awesome

    Among myriad potential evidence of this, I offer this:

  • Maybe there are dumb questions…

    I’ve been wondering about the following: When somebody says “think about the color blue” you cannot help but have an image of blue (or something blue) pop into your visual cortex no matter how hard you try otherwise. Moreover, the thought apparently triggers rather similar neural patterns to those excited if you were actually seeing […]

  • Poem for the day

    Didn’t see that coming, did you? I think this one is especially appropriate for the time, as well as needed balance to the last post: O look, look in the mirror, O look in your distress; Life remains a blessing Although you cannot bless. O stand, stand in the window As the tears scald and […]

  • Politically incorrect thought of the day

    If America somehow had a different history, and were predominantly black, having had only black presidents thoughout our past, right now we would be celebrating Barack Obama as potentially the first white president.

  • Tazer Man!

    The following is best read in a voice akin to that of Don “The Voice of God” LaFontaine: IN A WORLD where people have forgotten their manners, made deaf to their fellow citizens by ipods sprouting from their heads, apathetic to those around them: one man stands alone, willing to fight for truth, justice, and […]

  • Another reason to keep my degree from the University of Colorado a secret

    It’s not so much that people at CU smoked pot, skied and climbed rocks, or that I have a problem with any of these activities in and of themselves, it’s just that from what I could tell, that’s pretty much ALL many of them ever did, professors included. While the grad students were, in some […]

  • Dammit Campbells, what am I missing?

    “Mmm, mmm, Campbell’s Soup–Possibilities.” That infernal commercials jingo has infected my mind and torments my soul. There is nowhere I can hide from its taunting refrain, nothing I can do to stop it from springing forth into my consciousness, uninvited, mocking me. Soup. Possibilities. What the bloody hell am I missing? For years I’ve just […]

  • “Why I let my 9-year-old ride the subway alone”

    One of the things I admire about my friends Ken, Scott and Dom is that they all seem to be the kind of balanced people who will raise kids who will be sensitive and thoughful, yet also not neurotic or afraid of taking risks. I don’t know if that’s as rare as I fear it is, […]

  • A father and son talk politics

    From a recent instant message chat with my father. I don’t know why I find this amusing. I think it’s how it ends. The only background you need to know, to protect the innocent, is that my father is a life long Democrat. He tried to raise me right, so don’t hold him accountable for […]